Creating A Customizable Portfolio Dashboard Using R Shiny

Photo by Nick Chong on Unsplash

       Shiny is a framework for creating web applications using R code. It’s server uses reactive programming, which allows for an interactive approach to communicating data analysis results. Shiny allows you, the users of the web applications, to interact with the data, analysis, and results, which the creator has put together in the back-end.

       In this application, I will create a customizable portfolio dashboard that empowers you to accomplish the following:

  • Construct a portfolio by selecting assets and weights

  • Specify the investment horizon by selecting a start and an end date

  • Specify portfolio strategies— rebalancing frequency, risk-free rate, benchmark, etc.

  • Compute measures of risk and return and other portfolio performance metrics

  • Visualize measures of risk and return and other portfolio performance metrics

       The idea of creating such a user-friendly portfolio dashboard is taken from Reproducible Finance with R. I strongly recommend this book to those of you who may be interested in finance and are passionate about R like I am.

       If you prefer, you could also see this application hosted on the shiny server, which has a better layout in my opinion. Please press the control panel on the top left corner to see the other tabs.
