Creating A Customizable Portfolio Dashboard Using R Shiny

For a better layout, the application can also be accessed on To explore additional features, press the control panel on the top left corner to navigate through the other tabs.

This application is a customizable portfolio dashboard designed to empower users to:

  • Construct a portfolio by selecting assets and weights.
  • Specify the investment horizon by choosing a start and end date.
  • Define portfolio strategies, including rebalancing frequency, risk-free rate, and benchmark.
  • Compute measures of risk, return, and other portfolio performance metrics.
  • Visualize these metrics to gain insights into portfolio performance.

The application leverages the Shiny framework, which allows the creation of interactive web applications using R code. Shiny’s server employs reactive programming, facilitating an interactive approach to communicating data analysis results. This enables users to interact with the data, analysis, and results assembled on the back-end.

The inspiration for creating this user-friendly portfolio dashboard comes from the book Reproducible Finance with R. This book is highly recommended for those interested in finance and passionate about R.
